Friday, March 20, 2009

Well here I am.

Ah, what should I put down for my first blog? I've decided to join the phenomenon. I've god nothing that's all that exciting to write so I don't even know what to say. I don't use punctuation properly. Sometimes I don't capatalize my I's. Alrighty.

I was listening to Billy Joel's Vienna. Great song. A little to relevant to today. When I'm teaching I can hear my kids talking about their 'boyfriends'. Honestly I'm considering not telling my own kids that boyfriends exist until they're 6. I tell them all the time just to wait it out, 'you're four for Christs sake!'. I guess that means I'd better practice what I preach. I sometimes feel like I'm moving a little to fast. But not because I feel that way more like I'm sure someone out there feels like I am. To be honest I don't care how proud you are that you're 30 and not married. Enjoy your flings. What's wrong with me wanting to live my life with someone before then? Stupid Sex and the City, even they eventually got tired of being alone. Thank goodness for judgemental people though. What would we gossip about if not for them.

I haven't seen Jonathan since Wednesday. So much for a fun spring break. How can people afford to go to Panama City? We've got to work extra just to make it through the month. Not fair. I could so use a vacation. I just worked 26 of the past 48 hours. Ugh. I do get to see Jonathan tomorrow though. At 7pm. He'll be exhausted after working all day and won't be in the mood to hang out though. Why is it that I can go all day sunup to way past sundown and still want to go and see him. I'm hooked. I think I've decided on colors for our wedding, light blue and brown. I think that'll be classy. But I'm not allowed to think about that right now.

This better be worth it. Ha. Alright now go look up this band: Fisher.

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